Monday, August 18, 2008

It is finished

Loved it, Loved it, Loved it!

No whiny Bella. Not at all how I thought it would end. Everything was wrapped up very nicely.

Here is a cool music video I found on Youtube

Time is Running out- Muse (Edward and Bella)

Movie will be released on November 21st!


Emilyah said...

I love this book so much for many reasons, but you totally hit the nail on the head with "no whining Bella!"

Brooke said...

Glad you liked it. With so many mixed reviews I wasn't sure if you would. I liked it too.

Shauna said...

If there is no whiny Bella, Ill read it. I was not going to jump on this one until I absolutely had time. You convinced me to bump it up on my priority list.
I still gave up on The Host.

Andrew and Melissa said...

I just finished it last night and I liked it as well. I also really liked the youtube video you posted.

superherotrainer said...

Now that I have read all four books, I so want them to make movies about them all. I would love to see the fourth book in movie form. It was by far the best of all the books! I've got to admit that the middle of the book almost made me throw up.