Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm a ....????

My husband needs another name for what he does. One that doesn't scream, Please ask me what I think about the economy!!! Because this just leads to an answer that no one wants to hear or think about and frankly, may scare people off.


Curt Hostetler said...

Even though I have no idea what he's doing on a daily basis, here are some of my ideas based on what I would think an economist would do for his type of company.

- Internal consultant
- Internal strategic consultant
- Strategic analyst
- Strategic planning
- Strategist

something along those lines...something to do with strategy, analysis, or consulting.

Scott B. said...

If their eyes glaze over when you explain what "economist" means, then really, what's the point?

Just call him an economist, accept the fact that your husband's job is not something that can be captured in a single word, and move on. It's liberating. Trust me.

Gardener said...

ooh... I think I am going to take Internal Strategic Consultant. M.G. may just go with "Hitman", or "give me your money and i'll give you information, opinions and a fancy graph"

Ben said...

I vote for 'Larry'. It's very ambiguous.

Gardener said...

How does he say that? "I'm a Larry..."

Curt, do you get asked the same thing or do people just ask you where they should be putting their money?

He also gets that one sometimes. Economics and finance are not synonymous, people.

Curt Hostetler said...

I get similar questions outside of work, but typically I just have to mention who I work for and then people just assume they know what I do...which is rarely correct, but that's generally fine by me. If it comes up, I tend to be vague and avoid any specific recommendations, since I try to keep work and personal life separate as best I can.

Kristi said...

Just tell them you're a transponster. It doesn't exist so you can be whatever you want!