(Yes, my parents thought it would be a great idea to use the TV as a monitor)
Trust me, she has things to say, but my brothers and sister and I give her no time to do it. Sorry Mommy!
I went to the Dr for my 2 year check up and found out I am over 3 feet tall. My Mommy wonders if this means I'll be 6 feet tall when I am grown. No wonder people think I am 3 years old. I guess my talking and counting to 15 only adds to their confusion. I also lost my binky. This is distressing to me but I think my mommy is secretly happy about it...hmmm.
For my second birthday, my parents threw me a "Very Hungry Caterpillar" party. They kept it pretty low key and only invited Nana and cousins. We had pizza, salad (green leaves) and all the fruit from the book, minus plums (couldn't find them). Here's me after blowing out my candles.

Wow, I even got my own car (although Daddy mentioned something about this being the only one I would ever get, so enjoy it- whatever that means) My parents must know how much I dislike standing on the sidewalk while my older siblings ride their bikes. Now I'll be riding the streets in style.
how sweet! i looove hungry little caterpillar! that cake looks yummy!
happy birthday!
Thanks, AB for that post. I WAS wondering where your mommy had gone. Well, you and baby Dodge have something in common because he loves the keyboard too. I'm glad you had such a fun day - give your mom extra hugs because she did a great job for your party. You are super cute and getting huge! Give everyone hugs from us in INdiana!!!
You did great, Gardener! What a fun party. The birthday girl is getting HUGE!
Adorable. I love this girl! (Trainer) Retep says its the big puppy dog eyes like our Wafffle Dawg. They just make you want to give her whatever she wants.
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