Monday, December 28, 2009

8 Years Ago Today

I have been learning how to use i photo and discovering all the neat things it can do...

It seems like just yesterday and yet it feels like we've always been together. In numbers.. what we've done.

8- number of trips taken as a family
7- number of jobs combined we have had since being married
6- number of times we've moved.
5-number of times M.G. tells Gardener he loves her a day (that is what it seems like- he is better at those things than her)
4- number of Children we've had
3- number of college degrees we have between us
2- number of people allowed to sleep in our bed. NO CHILDREN!
1- number of cars we have bought
0-number of nurseries I been able to decorate for our babies.

Thanks Nana for watching the children so we could catch a movie!


Megan said...

happy day! love you guys!

Miracle Gro said...

Thanks Megan. We were beginning to think that no one read our blog anymore.

superherotrainer said...

Cute! Love the number thing, I think I'll have to steal it for ours in April.