Monday, November 24, 2008

Jell-o Success!

The Children and M.G. love Jell-o and I do not, so I don't make it. Snapdragon and Tiger lily have been asking for it, so I tried to make some today for FHE. It only took 1 call to my mother-in-law and 5 minutes rereading the instructions to figure out how to make jigglers. (Instructions were fuzzy) The first time I made jell-o, i didn't know there were separate instructions for jigglers and failed miserably to make cut outs. Today, I did it, and was able to successfully use the cookie cutters. The flowers were impressed and M.G. had a good laugh at my expense. Maybe I should put him on Jell-o duty from now on...


Scott B. said...

I call foul.

It's Jell-O, not Jell-o. Spelling it wrong is an insult to your Mormon culture.

Gardener said...

I knew someone was going to call me out on the "mormon" issue, but I figured the Jell-O wasn't green so it didn't count. Thanks for correcting you think they'll let me repent or will they revoke my membership?

Scott B. said...

I think you just file this under "lessons learned" this time. Make the mistake again, and there will be bigger ramifications.

Tiffany said...

I don't care for cow hoves either. I have more recycle if you want it :)