Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Coolest Mom

This is why the Gardener is the coolest mom in the world. She took two boxes, some shish kabob skewers and cardboard wheels and made this for Snapdragon.

Yes, it's the Mountain Dew delivery truck. Too bad it's not full of Dew.

My only little contribution was the hub caps. It's funny how they are actually caps.

By the way, I tried to get the two vertical pictures side-by-side, but couldn't do it, even with opposite alignments. Please tell me in the comments if you know how to do it. Thanks.


Erika said...

Use the "none" for the alignment when you load them in, and then just drag them next to each other with the cursor.

Ben said...

does that mtn dew truck make deliveries to vancouver, wa? or do i have to walk across the street and get one like always?

Shauna said...

You are the coolest mom....
As for tech advice...I'm on the clueless side.

Emilyah said...

Yeeah, my sister is THE coolest mom. As for your latest post (since we can't comment there) AMEN sister- I get nauseated just thinking about the place our Country has come to. What is next? We talk about this daily in our home, things are really going down hill, and it seems to have hit an all time high speed. Scary!

Miracle Gro said...

FYI, if comments on this thread becomes a sounding off/debate section for the most recent thread by the Gardener, they will be deleted. Consider this a warning shot.

Kristi said...

I'm with Ben, get the truck up to Vancouver. We are in serious need of some Dew.

Emilyah said...

Oh I wouldn't have taken offense to that MG. I agree with everyone else except you should bring that truck to PA. I'll even foot the diesel bill if the truck brings you all with it. Just don't drink all the dew along the way. :)