Sorry to get serious again, but I think this is important. I wish I was a better writer, but I am not. I am seriously challenged when taking my thoughts and trying to express them or write them down. (*one reason why I married Miracle Gro; he can either read my thoughts or understand my jumbled words.)
Thanks to Carmen for posting this article on her blog. It was like Orson Scott Card took a walk through my brain and wrote it all down in a much better/organized manner than I ever could.
Here at the Garden, we are concerned, and have been for many years, about our constitution and those who seem to think they are above it and can make up whatever laws they want. WHAT ABOUT WHAT THE DEMOCRACY WANTS!!! I want to shout from my rooftop, People wake up!(especially before November 4th)
When M.G. and I got married, we had goals for the future. We would go to grad school and M.G. would get a job doing what he loves, teaching; we would have children; we would buy a house and settle down permanently; raise our children and live the way we wanted to, with limited government involvement. Now, I know we were young and inexperienced, but I don't think our goals were unrealistic. They are the same goals that I think everyone would have, right? Over the last few weeks we have seen the beginning of what may the "perfect storm" and have come to the realization that we may not be able to accomplish all our goals.
We think we live in a free country, but I don't see it anymore. Most of our leaders and judges have no regard for the constitution and its amendments and the American people are letting them get away with it. Don't think about right now, think about the future when you go to the polls next month. Please read the article!
*I just realized that M.G. is still logged in; sorry dear!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Constitution hanging by a thread?
Posted by Miracle Gro at 9:25 AM