My sister-in-law was talking about her nemesis, laundry, and it made me think about horrible laundry week I have been having. In order to do my wash I have to walk down two flights of stairs and walk 200 yards with a huge blue ikea bag overflowing with clothes to the laundry room and on Monday morning I find that the one and only triple front loader washing machine is OUT OF ORDER.
I didn't know what to do. All the other 6 washers were being used as well or broken. So, I take my ikea bag of dirty clothes back across the lawn and up two flights of stairs and call maintenance. Then I give them 24 hours to fix it, which they don't. By this time I am out of burp clothes and using bibs and blankets to catch the constant spit up.
I did two loads in the top loader yesterday, but I had to pick and chose only the things that desperately needed to be washed. I refuse to pay the $1 for a dinky machine that holds nothing when I can spend $1.25 to wash most of the clothes in the house. The machine is still broken and the rest of the clothes are still sitting in an ikea bag on the floor waiting to be done.
I'll have to say laundry in a communal laundry facility is my nemesis. Sometimes I wish I just had a river, bar of washing soap and a clothes line. The river would never break, I wouldn't have to wait for someone to be done using it and I wouldn't have to feed it quarters.
I can see it now . . . (queue music)
"And i will wash my laundry, till the river runs dry . . ." (You know I love you, please don't kick my out of the bed.)
There's a triple loader over by where the Gibbs used to live. I used to haul my clothes over there to wash and dry until I just gave up. I have a little washing machine here and can dry outside on the line and after verano it feels positively decadent.
You don't know me, but your blog was suggested by Google Reader (we must have a mutual friend) and I love your blog. Reading this made me cringe. We have a five year old, an almost three year old and a six month old and my hubby is getting his masters. We live in student housing and also have to go "away" to do laundry. Just know that you have an empathizer :).
Amen, girl. I long for a simpler time. Especially as I listen to Laura Ingalls Wilder's account of her childhood. On my beloved ipod.
Sometimes when deployed with the national guard I have to use a bathtub to do my laundry. You should consider throwing your kids in the tub with the clothes and get them all cleaned off at the same time ;)
Sweet! What a great idea!
Laundry is already an unpleasant chore, to add hauling it back and forth, a broken machine, and taking care of your little ones...No fun at all. I remember the days. They pass quickly, but it is hard to see that when there is nothing clean to wear or use at the moment!
eric, i have seriously considered that, but my only problem is space to dry everything. (I am up on the 2nd and 3rd floors and I only have a small balcony.)
The only bright side I see to all this is that I will NEVER take my washer and dryer for granted, when I finally get them. ;)
People pee in a river. People don't pee in the washing machine (unless they are drunk.)
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