Sunday, May 18, 2008

An Exhausting 2 days

Thursday night we went to the beach for a rehearsal dinner/BBQ for Miracle Gro's niece and her fiance.

Here we are Friday waiting outside the temple for the bride and groom.

Ladybug and the bride

With Miracle Gro's Grandmother

Apparently this is what I look like to my son. (I'm a giant)

Dragonfly and Ladybug refused to leave the reception until they got to dance.

It was a long day for the 3 bugs and us, but it was so much fun!


Marianne said...

I wish I could have been there! It sounds like everyone had a great time!

Megan said...

Your hair is getting so long! I love it. I also think it's funny that I notice when you get a new shirt. It's very cute. BB is getting big, I can't wait to meet her!

superherotrainer said...

Too cute!!! You are beautiful is all I can say.

Miracle Gro said...

"You are beautiful is all I can say."

Why do you think I married her?