Friday, May 9, 2008

Classic Dragonfly

Dragonfly was checking out his new library book while going to bed. Usually, he is able to set the book aside before falling asleep. This time, however, the book won. Maybe it was the sheer mass of the book, or the content. Either way, it was a cute picture.


michellep said...

Well, that confirms it. Miles and I thought dragonfly must be a big reader—he's seemed way ahead in this area! I think you have one brilliant boy on your hands! He really is such a joy in class. His little boyishness is refreshing!

Eric said...

My kids love to read as well. Since they have trouble staying in bed some nights I think I may off my daughter a phone book to read. That should pin her down nicely. Thank for the tip. ;)

blueeyedfreckle said...

SO great that he is already a reader! We used to have this book! love it!