Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bumblebee's Big Day

Sunday she received a name and a blessing. Miracle Gro did a beautiful job. Is it just me or is there nothing sexier than seeing your man exercise his priesthood?


Emilyah said...

She is so pretty and you're looking great too! I find it funny that you were able to use the words "sexy" and "priesthood" in one sentence. :)

Shauna said...

Congratulations!!!! You all look great! Wow, you have 3 children and so does Chris! I am totally old!!!!

Eric said...

Great pictures! Gardener, I'm not surprised that you have such adorable children. However, when I see Chris' beautiful daughters I'm am grateful that somehow Kristina's genes were dominant to make them that way...time will tell if they'll show signs of Chris' personality...may they be spared. ;) Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find a way to exercise my priesthood...