Monday, April 21, 2008

T Shirts

Friday night, The Gardener and I went to Kohl's for some new clothes. A neighbor was kind enough to watch Dragonfly and Ladybug so that we could actually discuss clothing instead of running around the store chasing the little ones. It was, much to my surprise, quite an enjoyable adventure.

Needless to say, the shopping was mainly for The Gardener. She wanted a new dress for the upcoming baby blessing and wedding this summer. Well, while she was perusing the clothes racks, I stumbled onto the t-shirt section. There were your average t-shirts, some Chuck Norris fact t-shirts and some other ones designed to insult the reader. You know the ones I am talking about: They have this huge paragraph that says, in the end, You just wasted a bunch of time reading a t-shirt (Incidentally, that blog I talked about last post did a post on t-shirts). Well, I found two t-shirts that spoke to me like no others and, had they not been on sale, I would have to say that my soul would have a small empty space that could never be filled. So, without further ado, here are my new vintage t-shirts.


Brooke said...

NICE! Lucky day for you. Also, my kids will surely admire the Star Wars one.

Megan said...

Well, great minds think alike. I brought the Mountain Dew one home from Aaron from Oregon. He was pretty excited. I also got him the one that says, "Only Chuck Norris can prevent forest fires". Now Aaron and Steven are TWINERS! How cute!

Gardener said...

I want to go back and get the one that says "adorkable".

Ben said...

i have such a large amount of envy over the dew shirt that it's a little (okay, a lot) embarrassing.

Eric said...

I thought of this post as I purchased a vintage Coca-Cola shirt a few days ago. You didn't happen to get a pair of sleep pants with comic book characters all over them at the same time you bought your shirt did you? either, just thought I'd ask.