Sunday, April 27, 2008


I know we have been MIA for awhile so I will just sum up whats been going on with us through pictures.

Okay...worst picture ever of me, but this is how I felt this weekend. I have been fevering all weekend. I have an infection and am now on antibiotics. Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow and no more fevers because it is hotter than heck here right now. Not looking forward to a summer in this apartment.

Bumblebee rolling over.

Bumblebee smiling. She has also started cooing. (I seriously need to learn how to use my camera. Why is this picture fuzzy?)

The superhero capes being put to good use. I think they just liked the way the flowed behind them as they rode their bikes around the playground.

Ladybug and Dragonfly watching "Curious George" one morning. This was too cute, so I had to take a picture.
You know someone has been playing hard all day and had no nap when they look like this by the end of dinner.

Look who's been able to hold her head up. She loves being on her tummy.

Ladybug dressing Bumblebee up in doll clothes while visiting great grandma


Retep Graybeard said...

That picture of sleeping Ladybug makes her look a lot like her dad.

Shauna said...

Wow, little Bumblebee did some serious growing FAST!
Hope you feel all the way better!

superherotrainer said...

Time is going by way to fast!

Megan said...

Love the pics! Don't you love it when the kids are cuddling while watching a movie? BB is growing SOOO fast. What a doll. Hope you feel better soon!