Saturday, October 24, 2009

Introducing the newest flower to the Garden

Monkey Flower (yes this is actually the name of a real wild flower)

Miracle Gro with his latest

Gardener with Monkey (not bad for only 1.5 hours of sleep)

Warning to Men: the rest of post is labor/delivery story

Kinda been in labor all week, but finally decided to go in Wed night. Of course after they admit me, things slow down, so the Dr decides to let me do my thing and will give me Pitocin in the morning. M.G. snoozed, while my sister walked the halls with me to try and get the contractions going closer together. At 4:30am I am only dilated to a 5, but finally get the pitocin. 1 cm all night!!! I was ticked. 5am got my epidural (didn't want to miss my window). So, by the time the pit started doing its things, I was numb to it all. I hardly felt any pain with this whole labor process. It was a weird experience b/c my other 3 labors were almost identical and I didn't ask for an epidural until I was very uncomfortable. 8:30 am, still a 5-6, the Dr breaks my water. By 9:10am, I am ready to go. one push and a contraction finished the rest. 30 hours later we are both home and healthy.

Due to the H1N1 flu this year, no visitos under 18 were allowed, so the family was anxious for us to come home. The other flowers are so in love with Monkey. More pics to come...


Esther said...


Wife and Mother said...

That is great news!

Bedkes said...

Yeah! Congrats! You have to send me an e-mail with Monkey's name. You look fabulous, can't believe you had just had a baby.

Retep Graybeard said...

Congratulations! I am glad all went well. Now that she has been a part of something like this, can I please have my wife (your sister) back?

Bekah said...

Congrats!! You guys are awesome! Thanks for the pizza in August!

the Rowleys said...

congratulations! What a happy time for you all.

Brooke said...

Hoorayhooray! Good job, Gardener. You always make such cute flowers.