I may have majored in Animal Science, but I didn't learn squat about crustaceans. So, I have been learning on the fly since buying these bad boys for S.D.'s birthday. We have had to reconfigure the tank, add a air pump to keep the water moving, learn how to take care of the water and clean the gravel and S.D. just had to have this castle for them. I have been reading everything I can about them and putting way more time into them then I thought I would, but it has been worth it.
They are eating, active and have each successfully molted their entire exoskeleton (which is a little gross and eerie to find). I call this a success. Hopefully I can keep them alive for awhile because S.D. and the girls adore them. Sometimes for me, it is like having two more children. If one encroaches on the others space I have to break up the fight. I DO NOT want to be fishing out dismembered claws or legs.
If I was betting, I would put all my money on "Red Claw". Those look like some serious pinchers. M.G. isn't so sure, but I have tried to assure him that the "big claw" has no serious pinching action behind it. Its just all show. "Big Claw" likes to climb to the highest point in the tank and wave his "claw" back and forth. It is very entertaining to watch. We all just wave back.
Where did your cute header picture go? By the way, what program did you make yours in?
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