While in MT, Snap Dragon was able to celebrate with the entire extended family. My brother Ben helped with the cake decorating and propping up the B-52, that just had to be on there. I can't believe this little guy is 6 years old. He is an amazing little person and I am so glad he is the oldest. He is a wonderful brother and very loving and helpful with his younger sisters. He is also awesome at sharing! Which, if you have a house full of youngsters, you know is a huge plus.
Happy birthday! You know you're getting old when you buy your own cake and plan your own party! Hope to see you in OR. I'll give you a call as soon as this moving business is over!
Happy Birthday! It's kind of a bummer getting older because birthdays sort of stop being fun. Oh well. At least we get to plan fun parties for the kids. Parents are supposed to live vicariously through their kids, right?
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