Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Recap of our last month

Sorry we have been MIA for the past month. From the time M.G. had a job offer till we moved, we had 3 weeks, so we were a little rushed to get things wrapped up in CA, find a place to live and move. We apologize to anyone we were not able to say good bye to, but we still have family in CA so I am sure we'll be back for visiting. They do miss their friends and still ask to play with them. Here is a pic of some of their friends on our last play date and Tiger Lily saying goodbye to her best friend, Danger boy.We found a 3 bed/2 1/2 bath townhouse to rent in a great area for an awesome price. (I'll post pics later) We were truly blessed when everything finally came together. We love our place and will be here for at least a couple of years. What I love most about where we live now, is the trees. There are trees everywhere. Here is a pic of our backyard and one of our visitors.
The children have adjusted well and love being close to their cousins. The only thing that was difficult for them was M.G. first few days of work. He would leave before they wake up and they would keep asking "where is daddy?" Sorry kids, gone our the days when daddy is around 24/7. Here he is on his first day.
A week after we arrived, the children and I left for MT for a family reunion. I'll post about that next.


Kristi said...

It was fun having M.G. here for a few hours, but next time we need the whole family! The kids LOVED playing Bomberman with him and they are still asking Ben when he's going to come back. Let's do something soon!

Marianne said...

We're glad you guys are settling in well. We're excited to see more pics!

Peter Christensen said...

It's good to hear that you guys are settled now. It's exciting to be in a new place.

We've got wildlife here too - I've passed chimunks, owls, skunks, racoons, rabbits, and deer while biking to the train station. The deer are the most fun!

Carl and Amber said...

I knew life would be a lot different after our move. I knew I would miss the easy socializing, but I didn't realize how much I would feel sorry for my kids as they have to go through the process of making new friends.

carol bramwell said...

How exciting to be settled in a new place and a new job! We are happy for you, and sad for all of us here in Irvine that miss you. All of the best and who knows there might be a bike ride in your area that will bring us up to see you!

Tiffany said...

Congrats! Hope you are all settling in nicely and enjoy the deer.