Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Open Letter

If you have 10 minutes, read this; an open letter to our government from a 53 year old woman from AZ.


Wow, she definitely covers everything I am thinking and I think most Americans are thinking right now.


Peter Christensen said...

This explains a lot of the problems he brings up: http://lesswrong.com/lw/mg/the_twoparty_swindle/

But unfortunately, most people don't know or care. The ones that care have more important things in their life. The ones that have something to gain from corruption go into government jobs.

Wife and Mother said...

I liked it. I agree with him wholeheartedly in that I think that a lot of us who are normally a silent part of society are going to start getting louder and more vocal.

Gardener said...

Good article Peter. I loved these lines:

"And I dare say the Big Mess is not likely to be cleaned up, until the Republifans and Demofans realize that in many ways they have more in common with other Voters than with "their" Politicians;" and

"Getting emotional over politics as though it were a sports game - identifying with one color and screaming cheers for them, while heaping abuse on the other color's fans - is a very good thing for the Professional Players' Team; not so much for Team Voters."

M.G. and I were having a discussion about how as long Washington has the people fighting amongst the selves (my donkey is better than your elephant or visa versa), they are going to get away with whatever they want. Only way to stop this is for people to denounce their party and stand independent and vote for whats right, not a party.

Eric said...

Very well put and accurate (for the most part). I consider myself a patriotic person until I read something like this from someone a generation ahead of mine. It makes my understanding of things and passion for the country seem infantile by comparison.