Thats right... Our little one is not so little anymore. She has given up the bottle.
We had her weaned down to one bottle before bed, but she loved it and we thought we were going to have a rough time weaning her addiction. She, again, surprises us and does it herself. I love this little girl. She has been the sweetest baby and I am excited to see her development over the next few years. I can't quite call her a toddler yet, since she doesn't care much to work on her walking skills. This is another thing she has surprised us with- she has been crawling since 5 months, so we thought for sure she would be walking by 8-9 months (following the 3 month crawl to walk time table her siblings did), but alas she still is crawling. 2 and1/2 weeks till the big 1. We'll see if she can do it by then.

I just gave up the bottle myself after 33 years, your little girl is already ahead of me- way to go! However I've been walking since the age of six, see if she can beat that! ;)
That's amazing. What is she drinking the rest of the time, cow milk?
X is 1 month behind her in age and is downing four 6 ounce bottles of formula per day, one 6 ounce bottle of half water half juice and eating 3 meals and several snacks of solids. He's a pig.
He had no interest whatsoever in crawling for the longest time, but now he cruises around the furniture and lets go, takes a step or two then drops to the crawl. Our first 2 didn't crawl at all, just went straight from nothing to walking. L and X actually crawled some, so that is better than nothing I guess.
Yep, she started drinking cows milk a few weeks ago. It is good timing because there are only 2 scoops left of the formula.
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