Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Hunger Games

I just finished it and I can't stop thinking about it. It sucked me in from beginning to end. But be warned, this is book 1, so if you don't like waiting, don't pick it up. Don't be fooled by a description of it, I too was hesitant at first. The author does a great job of keeping it light on the sci fiction/fantasy stuff and the violence isn't too descriptive. I can't wait to discuss it with someone. Now M.G. has to read it.


Shauna said...

This is on my TO READ list.

Andrew and Melissa said...

I read it a couple of months ago and really liked it. Sadly, I think the sequel won't be coming out for a while, but when it does I am definitely reading it.

Eric said...

My wife just read this last week. Amazing how news of a good book traverses such great distances over so little time. I don't plan on reading it cuz it doesn't have Fabio on the cover.