This morning Tiger Lily had a run in with a door handle while mommy was carrying her (Yes, I feel awful). It required 5 stitches and several minutes of holding her down, while she screamed. so the Dr could sew her up. This was our family's first case of stitches.
Ouch! Alicia had two firsts last night too - she stood up hanging on her crib bars, the fell back and banged her head on the back of the crib. No blood or stitches though.
BTW, I'm pretty sure Rachael has those same pajamas.
Doesn't the gardener have a scar from a similar wound on her forehead?
Yes, but instead of putting butterfly bandages on it and letting a scar form, I decided to take T.L. to get the stitches in the first place and fore go the trip to the plastic surgeon in 10 years to remove the dead tissue and then get stitches.
OOohhh! Ouch! Poor kid. Isn't it the worst to hold your kid down while they have to get stiches or shots??? It sucks. We've had two super-glue incidents in the last two months. One for each kid, each wound requiring stitches, but luckily they were under the hair so superglue sufficed. Destroy pulled a heavy stocking holder off the mantel onto his head. It was an angel stocking holder so I tease him that he has an angel face. Did you take her to the ER?
no, we just went to urgent care. It happened about an hour after I talked to you.
oh gosh! That sounds painful. My heart goes out to you. I hate holding my girls for shots. I think I would pass out if I had to hold them for stitches!
Mommy points for you!
Hey MG-
Last night our home teacher told us his company is hiring. Of course not in Peter's field but in accounting. Then he said they have a division that could use someone like you (since we inquired). Get in touch with Peter.
Poor thing! That sounds traumatic for both of you! I'm not sure how we have managed to stay stitches free in our family, but just saying that has probably jinxed us. Shoot.
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