Happy 30th Birthday to this Man!
Your twenties were good to you. Look at all you accomplished.

Your thirties are going to be great too. You will still be young and virale enough for more of this...

and still have the strength to do this...

and you will never get too old to do this!

I am going to miss this sexiness. I guess loading a dishwasher could still be sexy, but nothing will top the "wash by hand" method.
Please wish this guy a Happy Birthday. If you really know him, you know he deserves all the well wishes he can get. Let us hope this new year is better to you!
happy birthday Jamaal!
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Steve! Congrats on starting decade #4 and good luck next year.
Oh, PS, Merry Christmas and all that jazz too.
Happy Birthday. 30 happens to the best of us!
P.S. You look like Steven Colbert in that first picture. Hilarious.
My picture oozes truthiness, doesn't it?
Happy Birthday. Thirty is not so bad, now forty that is the one I hope never comes!
Ooohh, MG, love that come hither picture.
I'd wish you a happy birthday, but seriously? Who wants to turn 30? Just kiddin', happy birthday. Aaron and I both wish we were out there to share it with you guys. We miss you two so much!
With a birthday party like today, you will never age. We're going to miss the Carter Garden...Happy Birthday!
Which one is the come hither? The first one or the one of me dong dishes? Gardener called that one sexy.
The Garden will always be in cyberspace. Thanks for coming to the party.
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