Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Game Nights

For our anniversary (fell on a Sunday) we played Train Wreck (a.k.a Ticket to Ride). This was the first time we tied. Nobody went to bed harboring bad feelings that night. For those who have played, you'll know what I mean. ;)

Christmas Eve
Sorry the picture is sideways, but blogger was being difficult about it. Here is the final result of our scrabble game Christmas edition, which turned into using any word that could remotely relate to Christmas. M.G. won by a few points.


Scott B. said...

Christmas-relation explanations for the following:

and others...

Miracle Gro said...

zit - they form from too much christmas candy
gland - they swell into zits due to previously mentioned reasons
rap - christmas rap exists
seven - lords a leaping
fax - i have never received a christmas fax
alg_ - alge still grows during christmas
quit - the elves, as a collective body, have never quit
rim - basketball rims are used on christmas day
sue - pretty sure someone has sued over christmas related topics.

Any others? I am pretty sure now you can see how these words relate to christmas.

blueeyedfreckle said...

we love playing that train game with our friends on friday nights! I prefer word games mostly, but its a nice break on the brain.