Friday, October 3, 2008

Call your congressman... I Smell PORK!!!!!

Tell your congressman to vote NO on this ridiculous bailout bill.(Nevermind, its too late) There has to be another solution/plan for this problem. Someone other than the government should be the one to come up with that plan. (apparently congress didn't want to entertain other peoples ideas. Thats okay; when the country is more in the tube then it already is, we'll have this, 9% approval rated, congress to thank)I sent a letter to my congressman yesterday, urging him to vote NO, after I heard what all the "sweetners" were that were added to this bill.(Fat amount of good that did. At least I did something!)

Miracle Gro posed a great question last night "If this bailout is really so important, then why didn't the senate put politics "as usual" aside and put the country first?" (it was something to that affect-he can fix it if he wants to) Shame on anyone who asked for earmarks with this bill.

Both Presidential Candidates voted yes on this thing. I will definitely be writing in someones name on my ballot in Nov. SOMEONE IN WASHINGTON, GROW A SPINE!!!!! (and a class or two on basic economic principles wouldn't hurt either)