Friday, August 29, 2008

This Election just got exciting!

At least, for me it did. Until now, I have been planning on writing in a name on the November ballot. I refused to press a button for either one of the two front runners. The news this morning surprised me and now I am not so sure.

McCain chooses the Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin!

Everything I have heard from or about this woman so far, I like. Ahhh... Now I am not sure what I will be doing. It will be exciting to see what happens the next few months.


Shauna said...

You are right....lots of excitement ahead!

Carl and Amber said...

I am completely with you on this one. She does seem to have her act together. But, there is still one thing that I just can't understand about McCain. His ads say that he will go after Big Tobacco, yet his wife's family is Big Tobacco. So, how does that happen?!

Eric said...

Like you I still can't decide on who to vote, I'm not a huge fan of either candidate. The neat thing about this election is that it doesn't matter who wins when it comes to making history, and for me that's exciting! The country may fall apart but at least we did something cool ;)

Shauna said...

McCains wife is Beer...not tobacco.
She also seems to own stock in Barbie....