Friday, June 13, 2008

Picture Overload!

Super Hero outfit being put to useCinderella; her favorite Princess

Dragonfly without training wheels

Dragonfly must have gotten a hold of the camera

Look whos getting chubby!

"Game of horseshoes anyone?"

Dragonfly is always asking to hold Bumblebee

Dragonfly at his Preschool end of the year "Family Night".

Ladybug having her turn on the slide

Bumblebee slept through the whole thing

"Don't worry, I brought my own binoculars for the train ride"


Retep Graybeard said...

Bumble Bee looks so much like Miracle Grow!

superherotrainer said...

U.T. kept saying, "Who is that?" So sad that my children do not know very many of their cousins from my side. They have been begging me all week to go to D and E's house to play with their cousins there. I bet they would have a lot of fun with your children and get into a lot of trouble together. Someday!